8a Okara Drive, Whangarei

What We Do

Northland Seed and Supplies offers a range of services to make sure you are well catered for, whether you own a large farm, orchard or lifestyle block.

Find out more about the services that we offer.

Pasture and Crop Advisory

We pride ourselves in providing excellent on farm pasture and crop agronomy advice.  Our reps travel around Northland to help farmers with their pasture and crop planning and management.  We work with farmers to formulate establishment plans, complete with supplying the products required and monitoring crops.


Seed Options

We supply a wide range of seed options for pasture renewal, maize crops, summer forage crops, cereals, legume crops, vegetable seed and lawn seed. Our pasture seed range includes ryegrasses, clovers, cocksfoot, fescue, plantain, chicory and others. We carry seasonal stock levels and have the ability to custom mix orders on site.

We have good relationships with all the reputable seed supply companies which allows us to offer a wide range of products.

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Custom Seed Mixing

At Northland Seed and Supplies, our ability to custom mix seed on site gives us a great opportunity to supply the most appropriate pasture mix in a timely manner to our customers.  Having the flexibility to adjust mixes to suit specific environments gives the farmer the best chance of having a persistent and profitable pasture.

Custom bird seed mixes are also created on site.

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NorthTreat Seed Treatment

Northland Seed and Supplies has an onsite seed treatment facility which enables us to provide a top-quality Northland specific seed treatment. Our seed treatment, NORTHTREAT, includes products which will provide protection against pests and diseases, improving plant establishment. 

– Seed should be stored in cool, dry conditions away from direct sunlight.
– To ensure seed is in the best possible condition, it should be sown in the season of purchase.

– Seed treatment may be harmful to birds and not for human or animal consumption.
– Do not graze treated cereals, forage brassicas, maize, sweetcorn or pasture within 42 days of planting.
– PPE (gloves and a dust mask) must be worn while handling seed and hands and exposed skin should be washed before meals and after work.

– Since the use of this product is beyond the supplier’s control, it is a condition of sale that the user accepts responsibility for the use or misuse of this product.
Northtreat contains pesticides which are pursuant to the AVCM Act 1997.

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Agriculture Chemicals

If you have weed or pest issues, then contact the team for a chat as we can advise and supply the correct agricultural chemical to do the job.

In today’s regulatory environment it is important to be using the correct chemical for the specific situation according to label recommendations.

We have good relationships with all the reputable ag-chem supply companies which allows us to offer a wide range of products. View a list of our main Ag Chem Suppliers

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